Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : progid
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The 'progid' property

Character vector

Valid for: OLEContainer, OCX controls, and OLE server application (Implemented under Windows only)

The progid property contains the programmatic class name of the external OCX control or application.

For an OLEContainer, progid refers to the class of the document in the container (for example, whether it is a Word document or a Pinnacle Chart). It is of the same form as the third column of the System object's oledoctypes property. If there is a document loaded, reading the progid property allows you to find out what the document type is. Writing to the progid property creates a new empty document of the appropriate class. If you write an empty vector, a dialog is displayed allowing the user to choose.

For an OCX control or OLE server application, progid is a read-only property. It returns the programmatic class name in the same form as the third column of the System object's xclasses or oleclasses property.

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : progid
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