Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : pointer
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The 'pointer' property

Valid for: All visible controls, and the System object

The 'pointer' property determines the type of mouse cursor which will display over the control. It is an integer scalar, one of:

0: Default
1: Arrow
2: Cross
3: IBeam
5: Size
6: SizeNESW
7: SizeNS
8: SizeNWSE
9: SizeWE
10: UpArrow
11: HourGlass
12: No
13: AppStart
14: Help
30: Drag
31: NoDrop
32: HSplit
33: VSplit
34: SQLWait
35: HandPoint
100-119: User-defined pointer (See the Loadpointer method of the System object for more details).

If you change the pointer property of the System object, the cursor will change wherever it is on the screen.

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : pointer
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