Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : linewidth
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The 'linewidth' property

Integer Scalar

Valid for: Chart, Series

The linewidth property of a Chart object specifies the width in pixels of lines drawn in the chart. The default is 1. The value set here is used for all lines (axes, grids, and the data series lines), unless you specify a different value for a particular element using one of the more specific properties axiswidth or gridwidth, or the linewidth property of a specific Series.

For a Series object, this property determines the width (in pixels) of lines drawn for the specific series. By default, it is ¯1, which means that the width should be taken from the linewidth property of the parent Chart object. By assigning a different value, you can specify a different line width for this series only.

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : linewidth
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