Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : host
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The 'host' property

Character Vector

Valid for: GetMail, SendMail, APL (Child Task), System object

GetMail and SendMail

Before you can use the GetMail or SendMail objects, you need to specify the internet address of the host you are using. For the GetMail object, this is the address of your POP3 server. For the SendMail object, it is the address of your SMTP server. You will probably also need a user name and password. The values to use will normally be supplied by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or network administrator.

The host address can be specified either as a domain name (such as ''), or directly as an internet node address (such as '').

For example:

      M←'⎕' ⎕NEW 'GetMail'←''

APL (Child Task)

If you are running a Client-Server implementation of APLX, you can use the host property of the APL object to specify on which machine the new APL task should run. There are three possibilities:

  • You can set the host property to an empty string. In this case, the new APL task will be created as a local 32-bit session, running under the same process ID as the Client (user-interface) program.
  • You can set the host property to be an internet address or hostname. In this case, APLX will attempt to contact an APLX or APLX64 (i.e. 32-bit or 64-bit) Server program on the named system, and ask it to create the new APL task. If the host name is 'localhost', this will be the same physical machine as the Client program. Note that the APLX Server program must already be running on the specified machine.
  • You can leave the host property as its default value. This will be the same as the host property of the parent APL task. This means that the new task will be started on the same system, under the same 32-bit or 64-bit interpreter, as the APL task which created it.

You must set the host property before calling the Open method, but you can read it back at any time. If you are not running a Client-Server implementation of APLX, the host property can only be an empty string.

System Object

For the System object, the host property is read-only. It will be an empty string if the current APL task is running locally on the Client machine, or if you are not running a Client-Server implementation of APLX. It will be 'localhost' if the current APL task is running under an APLX Server on the same machine as the Client. Otherwise, it will be the IP address or host name of the Server on which the current APL task is running.

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : host
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