Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : docstate
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The 'docstate' property

Read-only, Integer scalar

Valid for: OLEContainer (Implemented under Windows only)

The docstate property returns information about the state of the document in an OLEContainer. The value returned is one of:

0 = There is no OLE object in the container.
1 = There is an OLE object in the container, but its server application isn't 
    currently running.
2 = The OLE object's server is running.
3 = The OLE object is open in a separate window.
4 = The OLE object is activated inplace, but  hasn't yet merged its menus 
    or toolbars. 
5 = The OLE object is activated inplace and menus and toolbars have been merged

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : docstate
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