Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : colormarker
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The 'colormarker' property

(Alternative name: colourmarker)

Integer Vector or Scalar (see description)

Valid for: Series

Usually, any marker associated with a Series object is drawn in the color set for the series as a whole (i.e. the color property, which is either chosen automatically or set explicitly). If you wish, you can display the marker in a different color by setting the colormarker property. You can also specify a background color for filling the marker. The property is specified in the same way as the ordinary color property. It can be either as a single color value (vector of three separate RGB values, or a single integer encoding the three values), in which case it is used for both the foreground and background colors, or as two color values (length six vector of RGB values, or two integers encoding the color values), in which case the foreground color is used to outline the marker, and the background color is used to fill it if the fillmarker property is 1. The default values of ¯2 ¯2 mean use the same color as is used for the series as a whole.

The colormarker property is ignored if the Chart's monochrome property is set to 1.

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : colormarker
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