Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : body
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The 'body' property

Character Vector

Valid for: GetMail, SendMail

The body property contains the main text of an e-mail, as plain text. It is a simple character vector, with carriage return (⎕R) characters separating paragraphs.

For the SendMail object, you should set this property before calling the SendMessage method.

For the GetMail object, this property is read-only, and is valid only after you have called the GetMessage method to retrieve an e-mail from the POP3 server. If the e-mail message was created correctly by the program which sent it, this property should always contain the plain text of the message. However, some e-mail programs, and many senders of 'spam' (junk) mail, place HTML formatted text in this field, or leave it blank. If the message was sent with formatted (HTML) text, the formatted version should be available in the html property.

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : body
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