Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : System Functions & Variables : ⎕FUNTIE Untie component file(s)
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⎕FUNTIE Untie component file(s)

The function ⎕FUNTIE unties zero, one or more currently-tied files. The syntax is:


TIENOS is an integer vector of any length, containing the tie numbers of the files to be untied. If the tie number is not in use, no error is generated. You never need to supply a pass number to untie a file.

To untie all the files you currently have tied, use the expression:


Files are automatically untied when the APL task ends. They are not automatically untied on )CLEAR or )LOAD.

Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : System Functions & Variables : ⎕FUNTIE Untie component file(s)
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