Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : System Functions & Variables : ⎕FRDFI Read file information
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⎕FRDFI Read file information

The ⎕FRDFI function returns information about the creation and last update of a file. The syntax is:


TIENO is the tie number you used to tie or create the file (or the tie number returned by APLX if you tied or created it using 0 instead of your own tie number). If you tied the file using a pass number, you must provide the same pass number, as the PASS parameter.

The explicit result is a 4 by 2 array of information about the file. The first column represents user numbers, and the second timestamps, expressed as seconds since the start of the millennium (00:00:00, 1 Jan 2000). The rows are:

1. User who created file, Timestamp file was created

2. Reserved (returns ¯1 ¯1)

3. Reserved (returns ¯1 ¯1)

4. User who last updated file, Timestamp file was last updated.

Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : System Functions & Variables : ⎕FRDFI Read file information
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