Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : System Functions & Variables : ⎕FLIB Return names of component files in directory
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⎕FLIB Return names of component files in directory

⎕FLIB returns a character matrix of the names of the component files in a particular directory. Names are padded to the right with blanks as necessary. It takes a single argument, which can be either a library number (usually 0 to 9, corresponding to the rows of the ⎕MOUNT table), or a character string representing an operating-system path.

For example, under Windows you might have:

      ⎕FLIB 1
      ⎕FLIB 'C:\TEMP'

Only files which end in the .aqf extension will appear in the list. The extension is stripped from the names of the files returned.

See also ⎕LIB which returns the names of all files in a directory.

Special considerations for Client-Server implementations of APLX

In Client-Server implementations of APLX, the front-end which implements the user-interface (the "Client") runs on one machine, and the APLX interpreter itself (the "Server") can run on a different machine.

In such systems, you can specify whether the directory being searched is on the Client or the Server machine. You do this by preceding the path name with either an Up Arrow to indicate that the directory is on the Client, or a Down Arrow to indicate that it is on the Server. (If you do not specify, the default is that the access takes place on the Client.) This is true either if you specify the full path name in the ⎕FLIB call, or via the ⎕MOUNT table.

Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : System Functions & Variables : ⎕FLIB Return names of component files in directory
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