The ⎕FDELETE function deletes a component from
the file, renumbering the remaining components accordingly. The syntax is:
TIENO is the tie number you used to tie or create
the file (or the tie number returned by APLX if you tied or created it using 0
instead of your own tie number). If you
tied the file using a pass number, you must provide the same pass number, as
the PASS parameter.
The parameter COMPONENT is the component number you
want to delete. This must be an integer
in the range Lowest current component number to Highest existing
component number. The component
will be deleted, and any later components will be re-numbered so that they
remain in integral sequence. For
example, suppose the file currently has components numbered 1 to 5. If you delete component 3, then the old
components 4 and 5 will be re-numbered 3 and 4 respectively. If you now delete component 1, the remaining
components will be re-numbered 1 2 3 (corresponding to the original components
2 4 and 5).
See also the function ⎕FDROP which
deletes components at the start or end of the file, but does not re-number the
remaining components.