Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : System Functions & Variables : ⎕NREPLACE Replace data in native file
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⎕NREPLACE Replace data in a native file

The ⎕NREPLACE function is used to replace data in a tied file. The file must have been opened in a mode which permits writing. The data may be of any simple data type; nested and mixed arrays are not permitted. The data may be of any shape or rank but will be ravelled before writing to file. Data is written starting at the specified file position and the file is extended if necessary.

The syntax of ⎕NREPLACE is ({} means optional) :


TIENO is the tie number associated with the file to write to

STARTBYTE may be used to specify the offset in bytes from the beginning of the file at which to start writing data. A value of ¯1 (default) specifies the current file position.

CONV is an optional parameter specifying that the data should be converted to a different form before being written (see ⎕NWRITE for the conversion codes).

⎕NREPLACE is provided for compatibility with some other APL interpreters. The same facility is provided in a more general form by the ⎕NWRITE function.

Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : System Functions & Variables : ⎕NREPLACE Replace data in native file
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