Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : System Functions & Variables : ⎕CONF Configure APL
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⎕CONF Configure APL

The user can change certain parameters of the APL system via ⎕CONF. The extent to which ⎕CONF is implemented varies from system to system. The current range of options is:

     5    ⎕CONF     0 = disable interrupts, 1 = enable interrupts
     6    ⎕CONF     (date format) (time format) (display order)
                     date    0   =   US 8 character            mm/dd/yy
                             1   =   US 10 character           mm/dd/yyyy
                             2   =   European 8 character      dd/mm/yy
                             3   =   European 10 character     dd/mm/yyyy
                             4   =   ISO                       yyyy-mm-dd
                     time    0   =   24 hour US      
                             1   =   24 hour European          hh:mm:ss
                             2   =   12 hour US       am
                             3   =   12 hour European          hh:mm:ss am
                     order   0   =   time before date
                             1   =   date before time
     7    ⎕CONF     Preferred workspace size for this workspace (in bytes),
                    or 0 for the default value, -1 for 'as much as possible' 
     8    ⎕CONF     APL component file-system name, as a character vector

In each case the result returned by ⎕CONF is the previous value.

The Interrupt Checking Flag is a workspace parameter. A workspace can be saved with attention checking off, thereby preventing the latent expression being interrupted. )CLEAR will enable interrupts.

The Date/Time Format controls the display format adopted by )TIME )SAVE )LOAD and the editor.

The Preferred Workspace Size parameter applies to the current workspace if you )SAVE it, and then it is loaded by double-clicking on the workspace icon or by dragging the workspace on to the APLX program icon. When APLX starts up, it will be allocated the workspace size if possible. This value does not affect the workspace size if you )LOAD the workspace once APLX is already running.

The APL Component File-System Name is the filename used for component-file operations using the ⍇ ⍈ ⍐ ⍗ primitives. It defaults to ''. If you change the name using 8 ⎕CONF, the change applies only for the current APL session; when you restart APLX, the name reverts to the name stored in the APLX preferences file.

Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : System Functions & Variables : ⎕CONF Configure APL
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