Saves the current workspace to disk. It is given the same name as the workspace in memory, unless a different name is specified after the command.
If a password is specified, the workspace can be subsequently accessed only if the password is used.
2002-09-11 10.32.16 MYWS
2002-09-11 10.35.25 MYWS
)SAVE C:\Workspaces\
2002-09-11 10.37.25 C:\Workspaces\
When attempting to )SAVE a workspace with the same name as a workspace that has already been saved to disk with a password, the operation will only succeed if the password of the active workspace matches that of the workspace on disk. In order to change the password of a workspace that is already saved to disc, you must first )DROP the copy on disk and then )SAVE with the new password.
Library specification and path names
There are two different ways in which you can specify where APLX should save the workspace:
- You can specify the workspace name as just the base name of the workspace, for example
MYWS or Budget03 , optionally preceded by a library number. In this case, APLX appends any default file-extension to the name (.aws for Windows, AIX or Linux), and saves the workspace in the directory corresponding to the specified library number. Library numbers 0 to 9 are set up either using the Preferences dialog, or by using the ⎕MOUNT system function. Library 10 contains the utility and demonstration workspaces supplied with APLX. If you omit the library number, library 0 is assumed.
- You can specify a full operating-system path name, including directory separation characters, such as /usr/workspaces/ (Linux), C:\workspaces\ (Windows), or
MacHD::workspaces:Budget03 (MacOS). APLX uses the path name exactly as supplied, so under Linux, Windows and AIX you usually need to provide the .aws file extension.
See the description of the )LOAD system command for more detail on libraries and path names.