Drops (erases) a named workspace from disk. If the saved workspace has been saved with a password (see )WSID and )SAVE), then the )DROP command must include the correct password. For example:
)DROP /usr/workspaces/MYWS.aws
Library specification and path names
There are two different ways in which you can specify where APLX should look for the workspace to be erased:
- You can specify the workspace name as just the base name of the workspace, for example
MYWS or Budget03 , optionally preceded by a library number. In this case, APLX appends any default file-extension to the name (.aws for Windows, AIX or Linux), and searches in the directory corresponding to the specified library number. Library numbers 0 to 9 are set up either using the Preferences dialog, or by using the ⎕MOUNT system function. Library 10 contains the utility and demonstration workspaces supplied with APLX. If you omit the library number, library 0 is assumed.
- You can specify a full operating-system path name, including directory separation characters, such as /usr/workspaces/Budget03.aws (Linux), C:\workspaces\Budget03.aws (Windows), or
MacHD::workspaces:Budget03 (MacOS). APLX uses the path name exactly as supplied, so under Linux, Windows and AIX you usually need to provide the .aws file extension. (Note: In Client-Server implementations of APLX, you can specify that the path refers to the Client or Server machine by preceding the file name with an Up Arrow
↑ or Down Arrow ↓ ).
See the description of the )LOAD system command for more detail on libraries and path names.