Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : Errors : Error Messages
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Error Messages

The various error messages that APLX will generate are shown below:

Message                          Problem and corrective action
───────                          ─────────────────────────────
AXIS ERROR                       The axis used is incorrect or the operator is
                                 not defined with axis or the axis specification
                                 contains invalid characters.
BUFFER FULL                      Input line too long.
                                 Action: interrupt the display and shorten the
COMPONENT NOT IN FILE            The file does not contain the specified
                                 component, or the function was not found in
                                 the shared library.
COPY BUFFER FULL                 Name list of )COPY command is too long.
                                 Action: shorten name list.
DATA DAMAGED                     Error detected in the internal format of a
DEFN ERROR                       When using ∇ to create function:
                                 - function name duplicates name of an object
                                   already in the workspace, invalid header
                                   Action:  change  name  of either, or erase
                                   object, correct the header.
                                 - the name you have used is invalid or locked.
                                 When using ∇ to edit a function:
                                 - you've included the argument names with
                                   the function name when attempting to edit
                                   an existing function.
                                 - the function is locked.
                                 - the function is pendant. (see the section on
                                   Error Handling)
                                 When editing body of function:
                                 - improper attempt at function line editing,
                                   for example a [, a number, but no closing ].
DISK FULL                        File dataspace is full
DOMAIN ERROR                     You've used an APL function, but the
                                 arguments you have supplied are outside  the
                                 domain of that function. For example:
                                 - You've tried to divide by zero.
                                 - You've tried to use one of the arithmetic
                                   functions (+ - × ÷) with characters
                                 - You've used  fractional numbers with
                                   functions which require whole numbers  (e.g.
                                   monadic ⍳ or ?)
FILE ALLOCATION EXCEEDED         The file has reached its maximum allowed size
FILE IN EXISTENCE                Attempt to rename a file to an I.D. which
                                 already exists
FILE I/O ERROR                   The host operating system has signalled to APL
                                 an error in some disc-related operation
FILE LOCKED                      An incorrect file password has been used
FILE NOT IN SYSTEM               The file that is being accessed does not exist
FILE OR COMPONENT HELD           The  operation cannot be performed due to an
                                 outstanding file or component hold by another
INCORRECT COMMAND                You've typed a command starting with ), but
                                 the remainder of the command is not correct or
                                 not recognised.
INDEX ERROR                      When carrying out an indexing operation, you
                                 have used an invalid index. For example:
                                 - You have  asked  for element [5] of  a 4
                                   element vector
INTERRUPT                        User interrupt.
I/O ERROR                        APL  encountered an error during input/output.
                                 Probably hardware failure or illegal ⎕MOUNT
LENGTH ERROR                     Arguments are of unequal lengths, or the axes
                                 where the  lengths  of the  arguments must
                                 match are unequal. For example:
                                   2 3 + 3 4 5
LOGICAL UNIT NOT FOUND           The logical unit requested does not exist,
                                 or the shared library was not found, or the
                                 external class was not found.
NONCE ERROR                      The  expression you have typed is syntactically
                                 correct, but the interpreter does not support
                                 it at the moment.
NO SPACE                         Not enough  disc space to perform )COPY or
                                 )SAVE command
NOT COPIED....                   Attempt to )PCOPY an object which exists in the
                                 active workspace.
NOT ERASED....                   The objects shown were not found by the )ERASE
NOT FOUND.....                   Workspace does  not contain the object.
                                 Action:  check spelling of workspace or  object
NOT GROUPED,NAME IN USE          Variable or function already has the  name;
                                 Action:change name of group or erase conflicting
NOT SAVED: THIS WS IS WSID       Normally occurs on attempt to save a
                                 workspace using a name which is not that of
                                 the active workspace and which duplicates the
                                 name of a workspace in the library. You have
                                 used the )SAVE command in the form
                                        )SAVE NAME
                                 to rename and SAVE the workspace.
                                 Action:  rename  the active workspace using
                                 )WSID, then save.
NOT SAVED, WS LOCKED             Occurs on attempt to save an active  workspace
                                 with  the  same  name   as,   but a   different
                                 password  from,   a  workspace already  in  the
                                 library.   A locked workspace cannot be loaded,
                                 dropped,   copied    or    saved-over   without
                                 knowing  the  correct  password.   To  change a
                                 password  on  a  saved  workspace,   )LOAD  the
                                 workspace,   )DROP the workspace,  then  resave
                                 with a new password.
                                 Action:  change  the  password  of  the  active
                                 workspace using )WSID.
NOT WITH OPEN DEFINITION         The  command  cannot  be  processed  while  you
                                 are editing a function.
                                 Action:  close  the definition with ∇  and  re-
                                 issue the command.
RANK ERROR                       Function not defined for data of this structure
                                 or arguments are of incompatible rank.
                                 Action:  provide argument of correct  structure
                                 (single number/character, vector, matrix, etc)
SI DAMAGE                        A pendant  or  suspended   function   has  been
                                 replaced or removed by )COPY or )ERASE.   Label
                                 lines  of  a  suspended   function  have   been
                                 edited.   A  function not at the top of the  SI
                                 list  has been edited,    erased or copied.   A
                                 function  on  the  SI list has had  its  header
                                 Action: clear the state indicator by )SICLEAR.
STRUCTURED CONTROL ERROR         A Structured Control keyword has been encountered
                                 but the context is wrong.   For example, an :End
                                 may have been encountered but there is no current
                                 block active, or you have branched into an
                                 indented block.
                                 Action: Check the block structure keywords
                                 match up.
SYMBOL TABLE FULL                Too  many  names in use for the current  symbol
                                 table size.
                                 Action: )SAVE the current workspace, )CLEAR the
                                 active  workspace,   increase the size  of  the
                                 symbol  table using )SYMBOLS,   )COPY the saved
                                 workspace back into the active workspace.
SYNTAX ERROR                     Ill-formed expression,   or incorrect number of
                                 arguments for a function. For example:
                                 - You  have  used  a   one  argument   function
                                   without a right argument.
                                 - You  have  unbalanced parentheses
SYSTEM ERROR                     An  internal  hardware   or   software  problem
                                 such  as  a memory fault.   After this  error a
                                 clear workspace is loaded automatically.
SYSTEM LIMIT                     One of the system limits has been exceeded,  for
                                 example the rank of an array.
UNAUTHORISED FILE ACCESS         The  file's  access matrix does not  allow  the
                                 operation from this user number.
                                 Action: modify access matrix
USER ALLOCATION EXCEEDED         User  has too many files or the aggregate  size
                                 of  the  file  exceeds the  user's  quota.
VALENCE ERROR                    A function  has  been used with too many or  too
                                 few  arguments - for example a left argument for
                                 a monadic  function or a right argument only for
                                 a dyadic function.
VALUE ERROR                      The  name you've asked for does not exist,   or
                                 you  have referred to the result of a  function
                                 which does not return a result.
WS FULL                          Insufficient  workspace.   The active workspace
                                 cannot  contain  all   the  objects  requested.
                                 During a )COPY command no objects are copied.
                                 Action:  erase  some variables or  functions to
                                 make  more  space.   Clear the state  indicator
                                 using )SICLEAR.
WS LOCKED                        You  have  used  an  incorrect  password  for a
                                 workspace that was saved with a password.
WS NOT FOUND                     The   workspace  requested  is   not   in   the
                                 specified library or logical unit.
                                 Action:  check  the location of  the  workspace
                                 and the spelling of the workspace name.

Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : Errors : Error Messages
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