Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : APL Primitives : / Compress, Replicate
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/ Compression, Replication

When used with a simple numeric scalar or vector operand the / operator is used to perform the compression or replication functions. The context in which / is used will make the type of operation apparent.


The left argument is a vector of 1's and 0's. The right argument must conform in length but can be numbers or characters. With a matrix right argument the dimension on which the operator works must be of the same length as the left argument. For each 1 in the left argument, the corresponding element in the right argument is selected. For each 0, the corresponding element in the right argument is ignored. If a single 1 or 0 is used as the left argument, scalar extension ensures that none (0) or all (1) of the right argument is selected.

             0 1 0 1 / 'ABCD'        (The letters in the same positions as
       BD                             the 1's are selected)
             1 1 1 1 0/12 14 16 18 20
       12 14 16 18                   (20 corresponds with the only 0 and
                                      is ignored)
             MARKS←45 60 33 50 66 19
             PASS←MARKS≥50           (Each mark greater than or equal to
             PASS/MARKS               50 puts a 1 in PASS. Those less
       60 50 66                       than 50 produce 0's. The numbers
                                      corresponding to 1's are selected)
             (MARKS=50)/⍳⍴MARKS      (Which members of MARK were 50?
       4                              The fourth)
             1/'FREDERIC'            (The 1 or 0 left argument to /
       FREDERIC                       can be used to select whether the
             0/'FREDERIC'             text is selected or not.)
             TABLE←2 3 ⍴⍳6
             0 1 0/TABLE             (Select on the last dimension-columns)
             1 0/[1]TABLE            (Select on the first dimension-rows
       1 2 3                          same operation as 1 0⌿TABLE)

The form of / shown with the text string FREDERIC is often used to control branching within functions. See the Reference section which covers Functions. The compression operation, /, applies by default to the last dimension, although it may be used in conjunction with the axis operator, []. First axis compression, ⌿, applies by default to the first dimension, but again may be used together with the axis operator. Remember that the axis operator is affected by ⎕IO.


This is used to generate multiple copies of elements of the right argument. In addition Replicate can be used either to replace a specified element with one or more instances of that element's prototype or to insert one or more instances of that dimension's prototype. Positive integers in the left argument specify how many copies of each corresponding element in the right argument are wanted.

Negative integers in the left argument are used to insert or substitute prototypes. The two alternative mechanisms for this case are:

(a) Length of left argument the same as the length of the selected dimension of the right argument. In this case, negative elements in the left argument specify that the corresponding element in the right argument should be replaced by the appropriate quantity of its prototype.

(b) If the number of non-negative elements in the left argument is the same as the length of the selected dimension of the right argument, then negative elements in the left argument indicate the position and quantity of prototype elements to insert - the prototype being used being that of the first element of the axis.

As usual, a scalar left argument is extended to match the selected axis. If a replication is carried out along an axis of length 1, that axis will be extended.

             2 ¯2 2/TABLE            (Replace second column of TABLE by
       1 1 0 0 3 3                    2 columns of 0s - the prototype)
       4 4 0 0 6 6
             2 ¯2 2 ¯2 2/TABLE       (Insert two sets of two columns of 0s)
       1 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 3
       4 4 0 0 5 5 0 0 6 6
             VEC←1 2 (2 2⍴⍳4) 3 4
        1 2   1 2   3 4
              3 4
              1 1 ¯2 1 1/VEC         (Insert two copies of the prototype of the
        1 2   0 0   0 0   3 4         third element of VEC)
              0 0   0 0
              1 1 ¯2 1 1 1/VEC       (Insert two copies of the prototype of VEC)
        1 2 0 0   1 2   3 4
                  3 4
             2 3 2 / 'ABC'
            2 / 'DEF'                (With a scalar left argument, the 2 is
       DDEEFF                         is extended to each element on the right)
             5 0 5 / 1 2 3
       1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3
             2/TABLE                 (TABLE as above. Replicate on last
       1 1 2 2 3 3                    dimension)
       4 4 5 5 6 6
             2⌿TABLE                 (Replicate on first dimension. Same as
       1 2 3                          2/[1]TABLE)
       1 2 3
       4 5 6
       4 5 6
             2 3/3 1⍴'ABC'           (Last axis, the columns, is extended to
       AAAAA                          length 5 to satisfy left argument)
             2 ¯1 2/[2]3 1⍴'ABC'     (Last axis extended and blank column
       AA AA                          inserted)
       BB BB
       CC CC

Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : APL Primitives : / Compress, Replicate
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