Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : APL Primitives : ⌿ 1st axis scan
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1st axis scan

\ applies by default to the last dimension, whilst the similar operator, ⍀, applies by default to the first dimension.

       5 2 3
       4 7 6
             ×\ TABLE                (Puts × between all elements of TABLE
       5 10  30                       and shows the result of each
       4 28 168                       multiplication in row 1 and in row 2.
                                      Note that since no dimension was
                                      specified, the operation takes place
                                      on the last dimension, the columns.
             ×⍀TABLE                 (First axis scan. Applies across each
        5  2  3                       row, i.e. Down the columns. Same as
       20 14 18                       ×\[1]TABLE)

Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : APL Primitives : ⌿ 1st axis scan
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