Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : APL Primitives : ○ Pi times
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Pi times

One-argument form  See also two-argument form Circular & Hyperbolic functions

The value of pi (approx. 3.141592654) is multiplied by the right-hand argument.

             ○ 1                     (pi times 1 is pi)
             ○÷4                     (pi divided by 4, or 45 degrees, in
       0.7853981634                    radians)
             ○ 1 2 3                 (pi times each number in the vector)
       3.141592654 6.283185307 9.424777961
             10 30 45×○÷180          (converts 10 20 45 degrees to radians)
       0.1745329252 0.5235987756 0.7853981634

Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : APL Primitives : ○ Pi times
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