Chapter 11: Explicit VerbsThis chapter continues from Chapter 04 the theme of the explicit definition of verbs. 11.1 The Colon ConjunctionRecall from Chapter 04 the example of an explicit monad: the Fahrenheit-to-Celsius converter: ftoc =: 3 : 0 z =. y. - 32 z * 5 % 9 ) The general scheme for an explicitly-defined function is to provide two arguments for the colon-conjunction, in the form type : body The type is a number: type-3 functions are monadic verbs or ambivalent verbs, while type-4 functions are strictly dyadic verbs (that is, with no monadic case). Rather than numbers, some people may prefer to use conventional pre-assigned names. The pre-assigned names are:
Thus the ftoc example could be also written as: ftoc1 =: verb define z =. y. - 32 z * 5 % 9 ) The complete set of types is as follows: 0 script (as in 0 : 0) 1 explicit adverb 2 explicit conjunction 3 explicit verb (monad or ambivalent) 4 explicit verb (dyad) 11 generated tacit adverb 12 generated tacit conjunction 13 generated tacit verb 14 generated tacit dyad In this chapter, we will be concerned only with types 3 and 4. For details of types 1 and 2 see Chapter 13 and for types 11-14 see Chapter 15. 11.1.1 Body StylesThe body of an explicit definition consists of one or more lines of text. There are several ways to provide the body. The example above, ftoc, shows what is often most convenient: lines introduced by a right argument of zero for the colon operator. A variation is where the body has only one line. Here the body is written as a string: ftoc2 =: 3 : '(y. - 32) * 5 % 9' Another variation allows a multi-line function to be written compactly by embedding line-feeds. LF is predefined to be the line-feed character. ftoc3 =: 3 : ('z =: y. - 32', LF, 'z * 5 % 9') ftoc3 +-+-+------------+ |3|:|z =: y. - 32| | | |z * 5 % 9 | +-+-+------------+ Another variation uses a boxed list of lines: ftoc4 =: 3 : ('z =. y. - 32' ; 'z * 5 % 9') ftoc4 +-+-+------------+ |3|:|z =. y. - 32| | | |z * 5 % 9 | +-+-+------------+ A character array is also possible. Notice that these are not variations of syntax, but rather alternative expressions for constructing a data-structure acceptable as the right-argument of the colon operator. An ambivalent function is presented by separating the monadic case from the dyadic with a line consisting of a solo colon. For example: log =: 3 : 0 ^. y. NB. monad : x. ^. y. NB. dyad )
11.2 AssignmentsIn this section we consider assignments, which are of significance in defining explicit functions. 11.2.1 Local and Global VariablesConsider the example foo =: 3 : 0 L =. y. G =: y. L ) Here, the assignment of the form L =. expression causes the value of expression to be assigned to a local variable named L. Saying that L is local means that L exists only while the function foo is executing, and furthermore this L is distinct from any other variable named L. By contrast, the assignment of the form G =: expression causes the value of expression to be assigned to a global variable named G. Saying that G is global means that the unique variable G exists independently, in its own right. To illustrate, we define two GLOBAL variables called L and G, then execute foo to show that the L mentioned in foo is not the same as global L, while the G mentioned in foo is the same as global G: L =: 'old L' G =: 'old G'
11.2.2 Local FunctionsA local variable may be a noun, as we have seen, or it may be a locally defined function. A local function may be tacit or explicit, as in the following example foo =: 3 : 0 Square =. *: Cube =. 3 : 'y. * y. * y.' Square y. + Cube y. ) foo 2 100 However, what we can't have is a local function defined by an inner script. Recall that a script is terminated by a solo right parenthesis, so we cannot have one script inside another. Instead, we could use an alternative form for the body of an inner function, such as scale in the following example: FTOC =: 3 : 0 line1 =. 'k =. 5 % 9' line2 =. 'k * y.' scale =. 3 : (line1 ; line2) scale y. - 32 ) FTOC 212 100 One final point on the topic of inner functions. A local variable is either strictly local or strictly global. Consider the following: K =: 'hello ' zip =: 3 : 0 K =. 'goodbye ' zap =. 3 : 'K , y.' zap y. ) zip 'George' hello George We see that there is a global K and a local K. The inner function zap uses the global K because the K which is local to zip is not local to zap. 11.2.3 Multiple and Indirect AssignmentsJ provides a convenient means of unpacking a list by assigning different names to different items.
Instead of a simple name to the left of the assignment, we have a string with names separated by spaces. A variation uses a boxed set of names:
The parentheses around the left hand of the assignment force evaluation as a set of names, to give what is called "indirect assignment". To illustrate: N =: 'DAY';'MO';'YR'
As a convenience, a mutiple assignment will automatically remove one layer of boxing from the right-hand side:
11.2.4 Unpacking the ArgumentsEvery J function takes exactly one or exactly two arguments - not zero and not more than two. This may appear to be a limitation but in fact is not. A collection of values can be packaged up into a list, or boxed list, to form in effect multiple arguments to the J function. However, the J function must unpack the values again. A convenient way to do this is with the multiple assignment. For example, the familiar formula to find the roots of a quadratic (a*x^2) +(b*x)+c, given the vector of coefficients a,b,c might be: rq =: 3 : 0 'a b c' =: y. ((-b) (+,-) %: (b^2)-4*a*c) % (2*a) )
11.3 Flow of ControlIn an explicit definition, the sequence of execution of the lines is often the first line, then the second, and so on through to the last. The result of the whole function is the result computed by the last line to be executed. This sequence may be varied by the presence of CONTROL WORDS, such as if. or while. . 11.3.1 if.Here is an example of a function in which a choice is made about which lines to execute. The function classifies the temperature of porridge. CTP =: 3 : 0 if. y. > 80 do. 'too hot' else. 'OK' end. ) CTP 70 OK This example shows the pattern: if. T do. B1 else. B2 end. meaning: if the expression T evaluates to "true", then execute the expression B1, and otherwise execute the expression B2. More generally, T, B1 and B2 may be what are called BLOCKS. A block is a sequence of zero, one, or more expressions, the sequence being surrounded by control words. Thus in the example above, the block (y.> 80) is delimited by the control words if. and do.. Here is another example, to form the sum of a list, where the T-block and the B2-block each consist of a sequence. sum =: 3 : 0 if. length =. # y. length = 0 do. 0 else. first =. {. y. rest =. }. y. first + sum rest end. ) sum 1 2 3 6 Here we see that the value of the T-block (true or false) is the value of the last expression in the sequence, (length = 0) The expressions in a block may themselves be (inner) blocks, as shown by another function to classify the temperature of porridge: ClaTePo =: 3 : 0 if. y. > 80 do. 'too hot' else. if. y. < 60 do. 'too cold' else. 'just right' end. end. ) ClaTePo 70 just right This example also shows that control-words serve to terminate J expressions just as end-of-line terminates J expressions. Hence control-words allow some freedom in laying out a definition for the most pleasing appearance. A neater variation of the last example is: CLATEPO =: 3 : 0 if. y. > 80 do. 'too hot' elseif. y. < 60 do. 'too cold' elseif. 1 do. 'just right' end. ) CLATEPO 70 just right The second scheme for if. is: if. T1 do. B1 elseif. T2 do. B2 ... elseif. Tn do. Bn end. Notice that according to this scheme, if all of the tests T1 ... Tn fail, then none of the blocks B1 .. Bn will be executed. Consequently we may wish to make Tn a catch-all test, with the constant value 1, as in the example of CLATEPO above. 11.3.2 while. and whilst.In the general pattern while. T do. B end. the block B is executed repeatedly so long as block T evaluates to true. Here is an example, a version of the factorial function: fact =: 3 : 0 r =. 1 while. y. > 1 do. r =. r * y. y. =. y. - 1 end. r ) fact 5 120 The variation whilst. T do. B end. means B while. T do. B end. that is, block B is executed once, and then repeatedly so long as block T is true. 11.3.3 forThe pattern for_a. A do. B. end. means: for each item a in array A, execute block B. Here a may be any name; the variable a takes on the value of each item of A in turn. For example, to sum a list: Sum =: 3 : 0 r =. 0 for_term. y. do. r =. r+term end. r ) Sum 1 2 3 6 In addition to the variable a for the value of an item, the variable a_index is available to give the index of the item. For example, this function numbers the items: f3 =: 3 : 0 r =. 0 2 $ 0 for_item. y. do. r =. r , (item_index; item) end. r ) f3 'ab';'cdef';'gh' +-+----+ |0|ab | +-+----+ |1|cdef| +-+----+ |2|gh | +-+----+ Another variation is the pattern for. A. do. B end. which is similar except that the variables a and a_index are not available. 11.3.4 try.Here we look at a way of handling errors. The scheme is that: try. B1 catch. B2 end. means: execute block B1. If for any reason B1 fails, then B1 is abandoned and B2 executed instead. If B1 succeeds, then B2 is not executed. The following example is a function which tests that the argument supplied is valid. foo =: 3 : 0 try. *: y. catch. 'argument must be numeric' end. )
11.3.5 goto and labelGiven any name, such as qwerty, then two control-words may be constructed: label_qwerty. and goto_qwerty. . (Notice that both end with a dot). The meaning of label_qwerty. is that it provides a name for a block which begins at the point where label_qwerty. occurs. This block ends at the end of the whole explicit definition. The purpose of naming a block in this way is that goto_qwerty. means that the named block is to be executed next. Here is an example: yet another factorial function. facto =: 3 : 0 r =. 1 label_again. if. y. < 2 do. goto_done. end. r =. r * y. y. =. y. - 1 goto_again. label_done. r ) facto 5 120 11.3.6 break, continue and returnto be supplied This is the end of Chapter 11. |
Copyright © Roger Stokes 1999. This material may be freely reproduced, provided that this copyright notice and provision is also reproduced.
last updated 10 September 1999