Chapter 9: Trains of Verbs

In this chapter we continue the topic of trains of verbs begun in Chapter 3. Recall that a train is an isolated sequence of functions, written one after the other, such as (+ * -).


It will be convenient to have a few definitions ready to hand for the examples to come.

   x   =: 1 2 3 4  NB. a list of numbers
   sum =: + /      NB. verb: sum of a list
   min =: <. /     NB. verb: smallest item of a list
   max =: >. /     NB. verb: largest item of a list

9.1 Review: Monadic Hooks and Forks

Recall from Chapter 3 the monadic hook, with the scheme:

        (f g) y   means    y f (g y) 

Here is an example, as a brief reminder: a whole number is equal to its floor:

y =: 2.1 3 <. y y = <. y (= <.) y
2.1 3
2 3
0 1
0 1

Recall also the monadic fork, with the scheme:

        (f g h) y   means    (f y) g (h y) 

For example: the mean of a list of numbers is the sum divided by the number-of-items:

   mean =: sum % #

x sum x # x (sum x) % (# x) mean x
1 2 3 4

Now we look at some further variations.

9.2 Dyadic Hooks

3 hours and 15 minutes is 3.25 hours. A verb hr, such that (3 hr 15) is 3.25, can be written as a hook. We want x hr y to be x + (y%60) and so the hook is:

   hr =: + (%&60)
   3 hr 15

The scheme for dyadic hook is:

    x (f g) y   means   x f (g y) 

with the diagram:

diagram 07

9.3 Dyadic Forks

Suppose we say that the expression "10 plus or minus 2" is to mean the list 12 8. A verb to compute x plus-or-minus y can be written as the fork (+,-):

(10+2) , (10-2) 10 (+,-) 2
12 8
12 8

The scheme for a dyadic fork is:

      x (f g h) y   means    (x f y) g (x h y) 

Here is a diagram for this scheme:

diagram 09

9.4 Review

There are four basic patterns of verb-trains. It may help to fix them in the memory by recalling these four verbs:

   mean         =: sum % #    NB. monadic fork 
   plusminus    =: + , -      NB. dyadic  fork
   wholenumber  =: = <.       NB. monadic hook 
   hr           =: + (%&60)   NB. dyadic  hook

9.5 Longer Trains

Now we begin to look at ways in which to broaden the class of functions which can be defined as trains.

In general a train of any length can be analysed into hooks and forks. For a train of 4 verbs, e f g h, the scheme is that

             e f g h    means   e (f g h) 

that is, a 4-train (e f g h) is a hook, where the first verb is e and the second is the fork (f g h). For example, if y a list of numbers:

   y =: 2 3 4

then the "norm" of y is (y - mean y), where mean is defined above as (sum % #). We see that the following expressions for the norm of y are all equivalent:

   y - mean y
_1 0 1
   (- mean) y       NB. as a hook
_1 0 1
   (- (sum % #)) y  NB. by definition of mean
_1 0 1
   (- sum % #) y    NB. as 4-train
_1 0 1

A certain amount of artistic judgement is called for with long trains. This last formulation as the 4-train (- sum % #) does not bring out as clearly as it might that the key idea is subtracting the mean. The formulation ( - mean) is clearer.

For a train of 5 verbs d e f g h the scheme is:

        d e f g h   means  d e (f g h) 

That is, a 5-train (d e f g h) is a fork with first verb d, second verb e and third verb the fork (f g h) For example, if we write a calendar date in the form day month year:

   date =: 28 2 1999

and define verbs to extract the day month and year separately:

   Da =: 0 & {
   Mo =: 1 & {
   Yr =: 2 & {

the date can be presented in different ways by 5-trains:

(Da , Mo , Yr) date (Mo ; Da ; Yr) date
28 2 1999

The general scheme for a train of verbs (a b c ...) depends upon whether the number of verbs is even or odd:

    even:  (a b c ...)    means   hook (a (b c ...))   
    odd :  (a b c ...)    means   fork (a b (c ...)) 

9.6 Identity Functions

There is a verb [ (left bracket) which gives a result identical to its argument.

[ 99 [ 'a b c'
a b c

There is a dyadic case, and also a similar verb ]. Altogether we have these schemes

[ y means y

x [ y means x

] y means y

x ] y means y

[ 3 2 [ 3 ] 3 2 ] 3

The expression (+ % ]) is a fork; for arguments x and y it computes

(x+y) % (x ] y)

that is, (x+y) % y

2 ] 3 (2 + 3) % (2 ] 3) 2 (+ % ]) 3

Another use for the identity function [ is to cause the result of an assignment to be displayed. The expression foo =: 42 is an assignment while the expression [ foo =: 42 is not: it merely contains an assignment.

       foo =: 42       NB.  nothing displayed
       [ foo =: 42

Yet another use for the [ verb is to allow several assignments to be combined on one line.

a =: 3 [ b =: 4 [ c =: 5 a,b,c
3 4 5

Since [ is a verb, its arguments must be nouns, (that is, not functions). Hence the assignments combined with [ must all evaluate to nouns.

9.6.1 Example: Hook as Abbreviation

The monadic hook (g h) is an abbreviation for the monadic fork ([ g h). To demonstrate, suppose we have:

   g =: ,
   h =: *:
   y =: 3

Then each of the following expressions is equivalent.

   ([ g h) y       NB. a fork
3 9
   ([ y) g (h y)   NB. by defn of fork
3 9
   y g (h y)       NB. by defn of [
3 9
   (g h) y         NB. by defn of hook
3 9

9.6.2 Example: Left Hook

Recall that the monadic hook has the general scheme

(f g) y = y f (g y)

How can we write, as a train, a function with the scheme

( ? ) y = (f y) g y

There are two possibilities. One is the fork (f g ]):

   f =: *:
   g =: ,
     (f g ]) y        NB. a fork
9 3
     (f y) g (] y)    NB. by meaning of fork  
9 3
     (f y) g y        NB. by meaning of ]
9 3

For another possibility, recall the ~ adverb with its scheme (x f~ y) = (y f x). Our train can be written as the hook (g~ f).

   (g~ f) y      NB. a hook
9 3
   y (g~) (f y)  NB. by meaning of hook
9 3
   (f y) g y     NB. by meaning of ~
9 3

9.6.3 Example: Dyad

There is a sense in which [ and ] can be regarded as standing for left and right arguments.

   f =: 'f' & ,
   g =: 'g' & ,

foo =: (f @: [) , (g @: ]) 'a' foo 'b'
(f@:[) , (g@:])

9.7 The Capped Fork

The class of functions which can be written as unbroken trains can be widened with the aid of the "Cap" verb [: (leftbracket colon)

The scheme is: for verbs f and g, the fork [: f g means f @: g. For example, let

   f =: 'f' & ,
   g =: 'g' & ,
   y =: 'y'

then [: is illustrated by:

f g y (f @: g) y ([: f g) y

Notice how the sequence of three verbs ([: f g) looks like a fork, but with this "capped fork" it is the MONADIC case of the middle verb f which is applied.

The [: verb is valid ONLY as the left-hand verb of a fork. It has no other purpose: as a verb it has an empty domain, that is, it cannot be applied to any argument. Its usefulness lies in building long trains. Suppose for example that:

   h =: 'h'&,

then the expression (f , [: g h) is a 5-train which denotes a verb:

   (f , [: g h) y        NB. a 5-train
   (f y) , (([: g h) y)  NB. by meaning of 5-train
   (f y) , (g @: h y)    NB. by meaning of [:
   (f y) , (g h y)       NB. by meaning of @:
   'fy'  , 'ghy'         NB. by meaning of f g h 

9.8 Constant Functions

Here we continue looking at ways of broadening the class of functions that we can write as trains of verbs. There is a built-in verb 0: (zero colon) which delivers a value of zero regardless of its argument. There is a monadic and a dyadic case:

0: 99 0: 2 3 4 0: 'hello' 88 0: 99

As well as 0: there are similar functions 1: 2: 3: and so on up to 9: and also the negative values: _9: to _1:

1: 2 3 4 _3: 'hello'

0: is said to be a constant function, because its result is constant. Constant functions are useful because they can occur in trains at places where we want a constant but must write a verb, (because trains of verbs, naturally, contain only verbs).

For example, a verb to test whether its argument is negative (less than zero) can be written as (< & 0) but alternatively it can be written as a hook:

   negative =:  < 0:

x =: _1 0 2 0: x x < (0: x) negative x
_1 0 2
1 0 0
1 0 0

9.9 The "Constant" Conjunction

The constant functions _9: to 9: offer more choices for ways of defining trains. Neverthless they are limited to single-digit scalar constants. We look now at at a more general way of writing constant functions. Suppose that k is the constant in question:

   k =: 'hello'

An explicit verb written as (3 : 'k') will give a constant result of k:

k (3 : 'k') 1 (3 : 'k') 1 2

Since k is explicit, its rank is infinite: to apply it separately to scalars we need to specify a rank R of 0:

k R =: 0 ((3 : 'k') " R) 1 2

The expression ((3 : 'k') " R) can be abbreviated as (k " R) with the aid of the Constant conjunction " (double quote)

k R ((3 : 'k') " R) 1 2 'hello' " R 1 2

Note that if k is a noun, then the verb (k"R) means: the constant value k produced for each rank-R cell of the argument. By contrast, if v is a verb, then the verb (v"R) means: the verb v applied to each rank-R cell of the argument.

The general scheme can be represented as:

         k " R   means   (3 : 'k') " R 

This is the end of Chapter 9.

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Copyright © Roger Stokes 1999. This material may be freely reproduced, provided that this copyright notice and provision is also reproduced.

last updated 10 September 1999