Have a look at the subdirectory tree of A:\ and determine if any
of the subdirectory names conflict with your setup. Also check the J2
files especially the profile.js(n) names.
If you find no name conflicts between the names of the files
on the floppy and the names of files on your
c:\j2 directory, copy them from drive A:\ . Later, after
testdriving the new programs, either keep them and use them,
or delete them, as you see fit.
A name CONFLICT would exist if you had a subdirectory in c:\j2 also named
'BASE', for instance, or if any other name at the top level of the
A disk matches a name in your "j2" directory.
I doubt that there would be more than one or two of such cases.
In such a case I suggest respectfully that you temporarely
change the names of your conflicting directory names. After the
renaming is done there are no conflicts and you can install the files
from a:\ to c:\j2
After testdriving you can remove the new files and rename the
conflicting directory-names back to the original names. If you want
still to use the new stuff ,but retain your original directories put it
in a new subdirectory for example, c:\j2\jl\ and change the path-records
from c:\js\ to c:\js\jl\ in file:c;\j2\init\start.scr . In that case all
new files are to be copied to c:\j2\jl
Test run the programs and expect some bugs as about 10% of the path
references are now incomplete due to c:\j2 rather then c:\j2\jl. The
cause is the few cases where I did not use verb "topath" but assigned
PTH directly.
An alternate to installing the programs is to first browse through the
manuals and program scripts.
The file "manual.doc" is produced using MS WORD and the file
"manual.asc" is an ASCII text file
derived from this by WORD.