The APL Archives and
The J Archives at
The University of Waterloo
The APL Archives at Waterloo started as an FTP site
in the late 1980s.
The APL and J Archives
What's new in the World of APL and J ?
- Harry Bertocelli
- This
of defined operators
runs under OS/2 (or eCS) for the PC.
This workspace was supplied posthumously by
Zdenek (Denny) Jizba
- Paul Jacksons Tools
( ).
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- APL 97 Survey
- The results are in. See
Survey results.
- APL Bibilography update
- Bob Bernecky has supplied a list of references
about compiling APL code.
Bibliography page has been updated.
- Thomas G. Smith has produced a new version of APL called
CAPLIB APL2 that runs on either DOS and LINUX.
Look at CAPLIB Welcome page.
- JIZBA Tutorials
- Zdeno V Jizba has produced a new version of his
famous tutorials for APL2 running under OS/2.
See the
JIZBA Tutorials for more information.
- APL98
- In the summer of 1998
will be held at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rome,
"Tor Vergata" from 1998-07-26 to 1998-07-31.
For more information, see
- APL97
- The conference APL 97 was a huge success. It was
held at the Ryerson Polytechnic University in Toronto
in August of 1997. Proceedings disks are still available.
- The APL and J Archives at Waterloo cooperated with the
organizers of
APL 97 to include the complete contents of the
APL and J Archives
as of July, 1997, on CDROM, which
may be purchased from the Toronto
APL Special Interest Group.
For more details, see
APL97 Merchandise.
- The APL Software Exchange
changes its name to
SIGAPL Software Library.
This collection has been developed over the years,
and has generally been made available only
at APL conferences. Watch it grow.
APL Bibliography has been expanded.
Name change. The first phase of our name change
is complete. We are no longer accessible via the domain
Save these hot links as bookmarks:
J3 Freeware files
have been added to the Waterloo Archives to provide a
"mirror" of the Free version of J3, found on the site
- A mirror of Waterloo's APL Archives and J Archives is maintained
by the University of Economics and Business Administration
in Vienna, Austria. These might be easier (faster) to access
for users outside the Americas.
- The J Archives are being re-organized.
Users with bookmarks linked to sub-directories are advised
that some re-arrangement is going on.
- Walter Felscher and John Sullivan have each provided an
APL workspace for doing multiple precision arithmetic.
See their respective solutions in
Multiple Precision APL workspaces. Sullivan has provided his
work in APLASCII format, the representation invented
by Jim Weigang.
- Free version of the Special Edition of
APL-PLUS from Manugistics.
The APL and J conference in Toronto
Some highlights from the Archives
Who looks after this page?
These archives are maintained by
Professor Leroy J (Lee) Dickey.
See his home page.
Comments and suggestions are welcome and we are looking for new submissions.
(We are trying to get it right.)
Send an e-mail message to Lee at
if you would like to say something about them, or for
instructions about uploading a workspace.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of
Department of Computing Services, a part of the service unit
Information Systems and Technology of
The University of Waterloo.