The documentation for APLSE is woefully incomplete. It lacks any mention of the more than 100 System Functions and Variables (so called QUAD fns) that are needed to develop fully useful applications. For example, you need these QUADs to manage both DOS and APL files, to turn off the mouse cursor that's inadvertently left on your screen, to trap errors that users might make, to manage screen messages, colors, and menus, and many other needed operations. If you already know APL*PLUS, maybe this isn't a problem. But for beginners, I strongly suggest that you get PLUSDEMO.ZIP, a demo of APL*PLUS that has documentation of these QUAD fns, as well as a well-designed keyboard diagram that's far better than the keyboard documentation supplied with APLSE. APLSE is a powerful full featured APL that lacks documentation. PLUSDEMO is a powerful way to learn APL*PLUS that lacks the ability to write and save workspaces for you or others to use. Put the two together. Get a powerful combination. Dick Holt 12/7/95 3802 N. Richmond St. Arlington VA 22207 USA BBS\APL: 703-528-7617 24 hrs