Gemini repo browser is a work in progress; in the meantime, there's always cgit:
active911 - Unofficial npm package for accessing the Active911 API.
caesar - Implementation of the Caesar cipher for a talk on testing
cdc - CardDAV address completion
conf - A simple dotfile manager
csp_exporter - A Prometheus exporter for Content Security Policy Violation Reports
doml - A JavaScript runtime for ASTs encoded as HTML DOM nodes. A really silly hack.
dotfiles - The current iteration of my dotfiles
ghsshauth - Use the SSH public keys you've added to GitHub to log in to your machines.
goredir - A go package redirector
gosumdbaudit - Go checksum database auditor - An informative website about how to choose good passwords.
itoa - 101527 => 'one hundred one thousand five hundred twenty seven' (in JavaScript) - MedicMate marketing site
pgqt - A PostgreSQL query tuner
phlux - Flux for Phillips Hue bulbs. - Weekend hack: Beer similarity website
streets - Quickly get directions for responding to an emergency
ten-ninety - Java client/visualizer for SBS data from 1090 MHz ADS-B transmissions.