sunset's gemlog

A New Gemlog (and Last Played)

So after a few weeks of having my capsule up, and a few people showing a surprising degree of interest in some of the things I've written here, I've decided to start a gemlog. I may end up splitting my capsule up into two pieces - one for personal and one for tech - but we'll see. For now, this will be my sole home on this platform.

It's been fun so far. I like Gemini - I think it's calming. In a strange way, it reminds me of AO3; maybe it's just how personal it feels? I'm not sure.

Over the weekend, I did a quick and dirty implementation of a Last Played feature - the one currently gracing the front page of my capsule. It's tiny, but I'm absurdly proud of it. There's a lot I could probably do better - using playerctl --follow instead of polling every few minutes, and actually keeping a list of the last x songs played on the server - but it does what I need it to for now. It's possible I'll revisit it later.

If anyone is interested, here's the source - this is specifically written for Jetforce.

The server CGI script

The client sync script (requires playerctl)