Norn Help

Norn is a Discord and IRC bot. All the channels with the same name, no matter whether on Discord servers or IRC servers, share data (game dates, in-game notes, links and answers). Conversely, no data is shared between channel if their names differ.

Norn has to be addressed directly.

On IRC, use the name followed by a colon or a comma:

**alex** norn: 1d6
**norn** alex: 2

On Discord, use an at sign followed by the name:

**Alex** 🌈 🦄 🧞 @Norn 1d6
**Norn** kensanata: 6

Dice rolling:

Notes on a timeline:

`<date>` is either a date like 2022-06-20, june 20, or jun 20, or ±n (days), ±nw (weeks), or ±nm (months), or n. (the day of the month), or the word "yesterday", "today" or "tomorrow", or one of the weekdays "Mon", "Monday", "Tue", "Tuesday", "Thu", "Thursday", "Fri", "Friday", "Sat", "Saturday", "Sun", "Sunday", possibly in combination with "next", e.g. "next Monday" or even "next week".

`<every few weeks>` ist a phrase such as "every week", "every second week", "every three weeks", or "every four weeks".

Managing games. There can only be one game per day, per channel.

New games and changes to existing games can be announced in other channels.

Questions and answers:

Dice roll notation in square brackets gets replaced in the answer, e.g. `[[3d6]]`. This can be used to define macros. These definitions are per channel, not per person.

Example of a definition and its use:

**Alex** @Norn answer to fireball with A terrible explosion! Everybody takes `[[8d6]]` damage!!
**Alex** @Norn fireball

Answers are replaced recursively and alternates can be given by separating them from each other with a vertical bar.

Example of choosing between two answers:

**Alex** @Norn answer to lightning bolt with A terrible flash! Everybody takes `[[8d6]]` damage!!
**Alex** @Norn answer to spell witth `[[fireball|lightning bolt]]`
**Alex** @Norn spell

Link blog:

Discord and IRC, for use as a sort of non-automated bridge:

On IRC, you can also get a log of the last 20 messages. These are stored in memory only so when the bot restarts, that backlog is gone.

Force wiki and file updates: