Writing Bookmarks

How and where to write, online and offline.

​#Bookmarks ​#Writing

… a WYSIWYG-style editing interface for documents more constrained and structured than plain HTML. You can customize the shape and structure of the documents your editor creates, and tailor them to your application’s needs. – ProseMirror: A toolkit for building rich-text editors on the web
In the Upwelling project we have built an experimental editor that aims to satisfy the needs of professional writers and editors. It allows co-authors to collaborate in real time when they wish to, but it also supports work on private drafts that can be shared and merged only when their authors are ready. By combining elements of real-time collaboration with ideas from version control systems, Upwelling supports writers in maintaining their creative privacy and editors in ensuring accurate results. – Upwelling: Combining real-time collaboration with version control for writers.

ProseMirror: A toolkit for building rich-text editors on the web

Upwelling: Combining real-time collaboration with version control for writers.


This ink has one major fault, however; it is well-known to be slightly corrosive, and over time it weakens the paper it is written on. This is because the vast majority of recipes for this ink use ferrous sulfate as the source of iron, which leaves behind a residue of sulfuric acid as the ink dries. Furthermore it tends to react incompletely, leaving soluble ferrous ions which act catalytically with air to decompose the paper. Having worked extensively with iron acetates in the past, I decided to improve this type of ink by using steel wool and vinegar to produce the necessary soluble iron. – Iron Gall Ink

Iron Gall Ink

Avoid web-based forums and proprietary capture

all of the content of closed, centralized services will be lost in the long run. Choose the platform you contribute to wisely now instead of learning through more large data loss events later-on. – Don't Contribute Anything Relevant in Web Forums Like Reddit

Don't Contribute Anything Relevant in Web Forums Like Reddit