
I like the Usemod script. It has a good feature set. This is why I took it and used it for Oddmuse. At first I just kept adding patches to Usemod, but after a while I also started reorganizing some code and as time passed, explaining patches on the Usemod site grew to be impossible, because one patch would be based other patches, and then how do you explain it all.

Thus, I now use Oddmuse for all my publishing needs – homepage, Emacs Wiki, Oddmuse documentation – it’s all done using Oddmuse.

I hear that Moinmoin is a good wiki to use, written in Python. It seems quite popular.

But I am all for simplicity, therefore I am fascinated by Tiny Wiki a Perl script in 100 lines of code. Some stuff has been moved to other scripts, but they are all very tiny. Usemod 0.92 has 4044 lines of code, and Oddmuse has 4105 lines (2003-02-23).

See OddmuseRoadmap for my own design ideas. See SmallestWiki for some code weirdness.



Wiki Usage

John Abbe’s weblog pointed me to the article “Quickiwiki, Swiki, Twiki, Zwiki and the Plone Wars: Wiki as a PIM and Collaborative Content Tool” by David Mattison ¹. The best quote, which I also have from John Abbe’s weblog:


“blogging” or properly Web journaling isn’t about any particular technology, it’s a form of expression, whether the publishing tool/medium is Movable Type, b2, Wiki, or your average ftp’d HTML site. I rather doubt the average blogger really cares about the underlying technology as such, being more concerned with ease of publishing, the CMS features, layout, and referencing community. Bo Leuf in an interview with David Mattison