Viridian Design

Viridian Design is a movement started by Science Fiction author Bruce Sterling. The goal is to fight global warming by designing things that are cool and still reduce carbondioxide levels. He sends out a newsletter every now and then, commenting on other reports on climate change, interweaving quotes and his own opinion. Example:

“New Zealand ratified the Kyoto accord on global warming last December.”
(((By now, for most countries on earth, it’s become a delight to ratify the Kyoto Accord merely in order to irritate the United States of America, that Viper Among Nations, Threat to World Peace, Bane of the UN Security Council, that Gunslinging Atomic Bully, Rogue State, Oil- Grabbing Imperialist Hyperpower Hegemon, a Regime Cursed by Pope and Ayatollah Alike, etc etc etc etc.)))

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