

On IRC, 2003-04-14:

**kensanata**heh. i wrote about the paralysis because of too much knowledge somewhere. we know so much facts, but have so little understanding, that we are often paralysed and let people decided that are less paralysed. usually those that know even less facts and have just as little understanding.


On IRC, 2003-04-14:

**kensanata**socialist democracy is the best – you get tons of rules, but at least you can tune them. less rules gives you the mafia. and sometimes the remaining rules are used to fight the mafia, so then you got the mafia and the cops both going after you. that’s the worst.

Political Leaders

On IRC, 2003-02-12:

**kensanata**another force at work is that many intelligent people have no interest in getting into everyday political work, and they don’t rise in the world due to influence and corruption, so our leaders are choosen among a pool of power-hungry and immoral bunch of dim-wits.

Or on 2003-03-19 in reference to the new Palestinian prime minister¹:


**kensanata**the state of things is depressing... everybody wants peace and democracy except for some nutcases – and guess who rules the world? the nutcases!

Media and Public Opinion

The reason we feel so strongly about injustice is because media coverage has improved faster than media control. This could revert anytime.

Sometimes the European media tell us that the US mainstream media has succumbed to (voluntary) control by their owners. That is scary. I just don’t understand why the people don’t use the web to get to the real news, then.


I’m not a pessimist because of the good developments listed in the ScepticalEnvironmentalist by Bjørn Lomborg. But that doesn’t mean we cannot do even better!


The reason we are going down the drain is that nobody wants to really really stop our economy. Why not? Not the money. Not the greed. Deep down, everybody is affraid of sickness and death, and facing these without hospitals, medics, ambulances, roads for them to drive on, helicopters, and medicine is just plain scary. If we all stronly believed in a happy afterlife, we could afford to turn back the wheel of time. But we don’t, and we cannot.