Media Bookmarks

​#Media ​#Bookmarks

Twitter going down is like all the other silos going down.

@juliancday writes about @elonmusk:



He’s deleting old tweets to save a bit of money on storage space. And meanwhile, all the tweets on the Arab Spring, the Mumbai attacks, etc, are gone. They’re just...gone.

Media consumption, news, journalism.

All of this time spent staying in-the-loop and it had not made a jot of positive difference to my real life and the things I truly care about. Further, not only had the news not helped me I also could barely *remember* any of it. It was just an amorphous grey blur of vice, crime, folly, greed, violence, war, disease and natural disasters. A swirl of unconnected events with no context. A vast cluster of individual dots with no explanatory lines to connect them together. – No News Is Good News, by Thomas J Bevan, in the Commonplace Newsletter #78

No News Is Good News, by Thomas J Bevan, in the Commonplace Newsletter #78

Ads have a bad influence on journalism:

“There is a lot of non-specificity in the tech itself, and brands are pretty risk averse to avoid controversy, or even the appearance of controversy,” Krzysztof Franaszek founder of the Adalytics ad quality and transparency platform told 404 Media. “This may have unintended consequences where they basically defund or demonetize certain journalism. – Advertisers Don’t Want Sites Like Jezebel to Exist

Advertisers Don’t Want Sites Like Jezebel to Exist

Journalism is activism:

But what IS journalism then? What does it mean to discover the truth of vital matters, and then convey that truth as accurately as possible to the masses? No one I know in this business got into it for the money, because there is none. They didn’t get into it for the job security, because there isn’t any of that, either. Chances are they got into this field to make a difference, and what is that if not activism? – Journalism Is Activism, by Drew Magary, for Defector

Journalism Is Activism writes about the silencing of Greta Thunberg:

It’s been said before but the second Greta started making connections between climate change and capitalism, colonialism, and imperialism the media coverage came to a screeching halt. – Greta's Growth. And our own.

Greta's Growth. And our own.