
This is *old stuff* and no longer interesting.

“linux is free if you time is worthless” – Rich Teer on comp.sys.sun.solaris, as quoted by elf on ​#emacs, 2003-07-31

This page is all about booting Linux. For other software, see DebianSetup.


I use Debian Sid right now (2004-03-18). I have an Athlon K7 CPU, a LITEON CD-ROM writer, a Tulip ethernet card for my cable modem, a Soundblaster 128 PCI soundcard (es1371 chip), a joystick (for MAME, but I haven’t played in a long time), a Casio Exilim S2 digital camera, a firewire card for my Claudia’s Sony DCR-PC104E.

In my _etc_modules:


To detect the CDRW device:

cdrecord -scanbus -dev=ATAPI

To read a CD:

cdda2wav --device ATAPI:0,1,0 --cddb 1 --alltracks foo

To write tracks:

cdrecord -v -speed=0 dev=ATAPI:0,1,0 driveropts=burnfree -dao -audio -pad \
    -useinfo -text -overburn foo*.wav

Remember to delete the *.inf files if not burning the wav files in the original order.*

Init booting with grub where my root including my _boot are on dev_hdb3. Copy all the grub stuff into _boot_grub. Then:

1. start grub

2. root (hd1,2)

3. setup (hd0)

My _boot_grub/menu.lst:

default 0
fallback 1
timeout 10
title Linux
root (hd1,2)
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb3
initrd /initrd.img

title Old
root (hd1,2)
kernel /vmlinuz.old root=/dev/hdb3

This works because *vmlinuz and vmlinuz.old are linked as follows:*

vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-686
vmlinuz.old -> boot/vmlinuz-2.2.19pre17
initrd.img -> /boot/initrd.img-2.4.18-686

To burn CD-ROMs without being root (security risk?):

chmod 4111 /usr/bin/cdrecord
chgrp cdrom /dev/sg0
chmod g+rw /dev/sg0

To give users permissions to use _mnt_cdimage and burn CDs:

cd /usr/bin
chown root:cdrom cdrecord* cdda2wav* mkisofs* readcd* cdrdao*
chmod 4750 cdrecord* cdda2wav* mkisofs* readcd*
chown root:cdrom /mnt/cdimage
chmod g+w /mnt/cdimage