
I’ll be joining a Changeling: The Dreaming campaign as a player! Our Storyteller wants us to prepare a character concept and he wants to play a 1:1 session before starting the real game. Yikes! Being on the other side of the table and having to adapt to another game master – that hasn’t happened in a long time. 😄

Changeling: The Dreaming

So, here I am. *Hjorleif*. Cold. Iceland. Fair skin. Brown hair. Blue eyes. Lived in Iceland for many years. He killed Njal’s horses and sheep, but he would not leave. Did he really kill Hrodny all these years ago? He likes to walk the windswept hills, and he likes rain and dark clouds. There’s the smell of peat bogs and decaying leaves in a dank forests. He moved to München. I wonder whether he was looking for something or somebody. He likes to spend his time in the mountains. He drives an old car, big and heavy, slow and silent like an alligator. I guess he’s a driver for somebody – a Sidhe queen in red. He also met a group of silent gardeners in the Botanische Garten. They seem to be plotting something. He lives in an old flat with access to a roof where he grows all sorts of grasses and herbs. Whether he just likes the innocent small flowers that remind him of poor pasture and alps, or whether he brews poisonous cocktails we don’t know. If he’s a toxicant he must be carefully hiding his middle-man. He doesn’t like music and dancing but the rough elements. When thunderstorms strike, he’s watching from his window. Contemplating... What? Revenge? The loss of something he held dear? Half his heart that died decades ago? His cold heart burns.

​#Changeling ​#Character ​#RPG


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I should read Njal’s Saga again, if the Storyteller is willing to have more Icelandic sagas come into this.

Njal’s Saga

– Alex Schroeder 2007-07-04 15:52 UTC

Alex Schroeder