HCoop Setup

I’m starting to set up a wiki on HCoop. I’ll use this page to remember stuff.


I asked for the campaignwiki.org domain, and pointed my records at Gandi to the ns1.hcoop.net and ns3.hcoop.net servers.

I want campaignwiki.org/wiki to be an Oddmuse wiki.

Create two directories:

mkdir ~/wiki
mkdir ~/cgi-bin

HCoop uses AFS, so UNIX permissions have no effect. `alex.daemon` is my “bizarro-world twin” that Apache uses when serving my content.

Thus, add read permission:

fs setacl ~/cgi-bin/ alex.daemon read

Write permissions to the data directory:

fs setacl ~/wiki alex.daemon write

Check permissions using `fs listacl cgi-bin wiki`.

Create `~/.domtool/campaignwiki.org` as follows:

dom "campaignwiki.org" where
  WWW = begin
    scriptAlias "/wiki" (home "cgi-bin/wrapper.pl");

I really should set up the `WikiDataDir` environment variable, here. Then I could get around using a wrapper script!

And we start with a very simple CGI script written in Perl by creating `cgi-bin/wrapper.pl`:

print "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n";
print "Hello!\n";

It works! 😄

We’re half way through. Cool.

Point to the new script using `~/public_html/index.html`:

<body><a href="/wiki">Wiki</a>

Once I’m done setting up the wiki, I will either replace this with a better looking static landing page or rewrite it to run the wiki.

Get my key:

mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod go-rx .ssh
fs setacl -clear ~/.ssh alex all
scp aschroeder@thinkmo.de:.ssh/*rsa* ~/.ssh

Check out Oddmuse:

export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs -z3 -d:ext:as@cvs.savannah.nongnu.org:/sources/oddmuse co oddmuse

(Also add the `CVS_RSH` setting to `.bashrc` and source it from `.bash_profile`.)

Before testing the setup we need a better wrapper script at `~/cgi-bin/wrapper.pl`:

package OddMuse;
$DataDir = '/afs/hcoop.net/user/a/al/alex/wiki';
do 'wiki.pl';

And we need a `~/wiki/config` eventually. A simple start:

$SiteName = 'Campaign Wiki';

And install some modules!

mkdir -p ~/wiki/modules/source
cd ~/oddmuse/modules
cp creole.pl namespaces.pl gotobar.pl questionasker.pl \
   calendar.pl image.pl localnames.pl markup.pl smiles.pl \
   static-copy.pl ~/wiki/modules/source/

Some Makefiles!


        cd oddmuse; cvs up

        cd cgi-bin; make
        cd wiki/modules; make


wiki.pl: ~/oddmuse/wiki.pl
        cp {body}lt; $@


concat.pl: source/*.pl
        cat $^ > $@

source/%.pl: ~/oddmuse/modules/%.pl
        cp {body}lt; $@

Now we’re ready to run `make install` on the top level! This should update our Oddmuse directory and update core script, modules, and regenerate the concatenated modules.
