Fight On 2 Review

Fight On ​#2 is 88 pages full of old school gaming goodness. It’s printed by Lulu, which means that at 88 pages it is stapled and not bound. Some people like that because it’ll lay flat on a table if you want it to.

Fight On


The interior is black and white. There is a lot of art from the usual public domain suspects, a wide range of art pieces of varying quality, and some hand-drawn maps scanned straight from the square paper the DM used to draw them on.

What else is there in this magazine? And what does “old school” mean? I’ll side-step the question and answer that “I know it when I see it.”

What’s different from other magazines out there? The black and white interior, no fancy layout, no fancy ads, no fancy maps, no Open Gaming License (OGL), and therefore no stuff derived from the System Reference Document (SRD). In other words, stat blocks will be very generic. In one of the dungeons bugbear stats are listed as “LVL 3, HTK 16, 14, 9, DC 6, SPD 12, very quiet and sneaky, armed with double-bladed axes.” As we see more of these stat block one liners we start getting a glimpse of that “old school” vibe.

Not using the OGL has a benefit for contributors: The magazine only asks for the right to print the work in the issue it’s originally published in. Authors keep all remaining rights.

But what do readers get?

Here’s what I liked:

Here’s what I did not like as much:

Conclusion: I loved it! I bought all other issues as well. The wide range of articles and drawings, and the maps and drawings less polished in particular, encouraged me to write things up and submit them. I loved it, and I wanted to be a part of it. That’s how cool it was!

I was published in *Fight On* issue 4.

​#RPG ​#review


(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)

Sounds excellent! I gotta get my hands on this.

Thanks, Alex.

– greywulf 2009-03-18 00:12 UTC



I submitted this review to RPGnet and to EN World as well. I should write more reviews. 😄

to RPGnet

to EN World

– Alex Schroeder 2009-03-18 00:35 UTC

Alex Schroeder