Cryptography Bookmarks

Securing email and instant messengers.

​#Bookmarks ​#Cryptography

Email has staying power, because users are in control (at least, they have more control than with centralized walled gardens). It has been around since the birth of the Internet nearly half a century ago. And, it is closest thing we’ve got to long-term messaging infrastructure. – Yes, We Want Cryptographic Protection for Email

Yes, We Want Cryptographic Protection for Email

OK, this is hilarious (in German). Threema set up an ice cream stand with free ice cream, but the salesperson asks people intimate questions before they get the ice cream: your phone number, your best friend’s name, your best friend’s birth year, whether you’re undergoing any medical treatments, who you chatted with last… Versteckte Kamera: Eiscreme mit Daten bezahlen

Versteckte Kamera: Eiscreme mit Daten bezahlen

@yarmo figured out what my Keyoxide problem was.


… it appears ElGamal is not recommended to be used … For encryption, it is recommended to create a new subkey with ed25519 or cv25519!” – Could not find valid encryption key packet in key … Subkey is expired #139

Could not find valid encryption key packet in key … Subkey is expired #139

But I think I’ve got to wait… I currently have GPG 2.2.12 which doesn’t offer these.

Note that certification and authentication keys use signature algorithms internally, thus for our key, we’ll use ed25519 for all but our encryption subkey which will instead use cv25519. – An abridged guide to using ed25519 PGP keys with GnuPG and SSH

An abridged guide to using ed25519 PGP keys with GnuPG and SSH

Local infrastructure:

A guide on building autonomous communication networks with LoRa that work without wider communications infrastructure. Combining techniques for resistance, resilience, and persistence. … "Revolutionary action to build autonomous infrastructure - autonomous infrastructure to help with revolutionary action." – Building Autonomous, Off-Grid, Encrypted, and Solar Powered Communications Infrastructure

Building Autonomous, Off-Grid, Encrypted, and Solar Powered Communications Infrastructure

Kein Geld und schlechtes Image macht es schwierig, gute Leute zu finden und zu halten; man will alle Daten ohne Widerrede anzapfen können obwohl man jetzt schon anhand der gemachten und geprüften Anfragen weiss, dass viele davon nichts rechtskonform sind. Es handelt sich sozusagen um den Wunsch der nicht-rechtskonformen Überwachung.

In einem Bericht zur Lage der Cyberkriminalität zeichnen die EU-Agenturen Europol und Eurojust ein düsteres Bild. Zum einen drohe ihnen, in der Datenflut unterzugehen, zum anderen wollen sie Zugriff auf deutlich mehr Daten, auch verschlüsselte. Dabei drängen sie zu mehr „freiwilliger“ Zusammenarbeit mit privaten Anbietern. -- Europol-Bericht zu Cybercrime: Europol kämpft mit der Datenflut

Europol-Bericht zu Cybercrime: Europol kämpft mit der Datenflut