This page is about me burning myself on a Raclette table-grill.
I'm no longer quite sure of the timeline. I think I got the burn on 2024-12-03 or 2024-12-04.
Also I’m thankful for these self-healing capabilities we have! And thankful for this accident to be a curiosity instead of an emergency. A good reminder to be thankful for all the good days we have and I hope you’re having a good day! Live long and prosper. Or, as I usually tell me wife: healthy, happy, and in love. Be well.
Some things I'm learning from this experience:
1. I knew about cold, running water and left my arm under that cold tap for many long minutes. Maybe not long enough? I don't know. It felt ready to fall off. 😆
2. The burn might look like a typical abrasion but you have to keep it super clean. Best cover it with those special wound covers that don't stick to the wound (nothing we would have had at home so off to the pharmacy you go, immediately, unlike me).
3. It might look dry and clean like blisters you got from a long hike but the bedsheets or long sleeves or whatever will pass on germs and since there is a piece of your exterior protection missing, you'll get an infection. The skin around the wound is a bit red, the area a bit swollen, a bit warmer. And that already concerns the doctors.