2024-12-07 Armour in 2d6 Ultraviolet Grasslands

I'm running Ultraviolet Grasslands (UVG) using 2d6 rules. UVG itself uses d20 rules and so I often have to translate back and forth and it is not very satisfying, to be honest.

So what to do? In a recent episode of the Internet Office Hours podcast, @Whidou@ludosphere.fr suggested a system of immunities. So here are my thoughts.

a recent episode

Internet Office Hours


Weapons are either "normal" (2d6 damage) or "extreme violence" (3d6 damage). Some weapons might be practically instant death weapons, like plasma guns, necrotic blasters desintegrators and the like. These might do 4d6 and more damage.

| Normal Weapon |  Vicious Weapon  |
| Dagger        | Halberd          |
| Axe           | Chainsword       |
| Spear         | Cat Rifle        |
| Blade         | Radiant Gun      |
| Bow           | Ultra Blaster    |
| Pistol        | Blue God Blaster |
| Scimitar      |                  |
| Long Knife    |                  |
| Cutlass       |                  |
| Rapier        |                  |
| Claymore      |                  |
| Zweihänder    |                  |
| Crossbow      |                  |

Armour either makes you "hard to hit" (3d6 ≤ attribute + skill) or "impossible to hit".

|        Armour        |       Hard to hit        |       Impossible to hit       |
| Iron Breastplatte    | Blade weapons            | none                          |
| Skinchanger Suit     | Blade weapons            | none                          |
| Ballistic Linen      | Scimitar                 | Sluggers (Pistol, SMG, Rifle) |
| Scale Shirt          | Blade weapons            | none                          |
| Lobster Armour       | Normal weapons           | none                          |
| Bone Mesh Armnour    | All weapons              | none                          |
| Spectral Combat Suit | Energy weapons, Sluggers | Normal weapons                |
| Porcelain Armour     | Energy weapons, Sluggers | Normal weapons                |
| Golem Armour         | Energy weapons           | Normal weapons, Sluggers      |


Perhaps it would be best to extend the list of tags UVG uses. Then weapons can have tags such as Cut, Stab, Crush, Slug, Energy, Necrotic, Blast – and armour can confer protection or immunity against these tags. Other tags are easy to add:

|      Weapon      |              Tags              |
| Dagger           | Stab, Close                    |
| Axe              | Crush, Close                   |
| Spear            | Stab                           |
| Sword            | Cut                            |
| Bow              | Stab, Range                    |
| Pistol           | Slug, Range                    |
| SMG              | Slug, Range                    |
| Scimitar         | Cut                            |
| Long Knife       | Stab                           |
| Cutlass          | Cut, Stab                      |
| Rapier           | Stab                           |
| Claymore         | Cut, Crush                     |
| Zweihänder       | Cut, Crush                     |
| Crossbow         | Crush, Range                   |
| Halberd          | Crush, Vicious                 |
| Chainsword       | Energy, Vicious                |
| Cat Rifle        | Slug, Range, Vicious           |
| Radiant Gun      | Energy, Range, Vicious         |
| Ultra Blaster    | Blast, Energy, Range, Vicious  |
| Blue God Blaster | Blast, Necrotic, Range,        |
|                  | Vicious                        |

Vicious weapons do 3d6 damage; blast weapons do 4d6 damage. Stationary guns like plasma guns go on a different list but do 5d6 and more damage. Scope creep!

And then armour! Using some more tags, too.

|        Armour        |        Hard to hit         |   Impossible to hit    |        Other         |
| Iron Breastplate     | Cut, Stab                  | none                   | Hot, Bulky           |
| Skinchanger Suit     | Cut                        | none                   | Alive, Rare          |
| Ballistic Linen      | Cut, Stab                  | Slug                   | Cool                 |
| Scale Shirt          | Cut                        | none                   | Hot, Bulky           |
| Lobster Armour       | Cut, Stab, Crush           | none                   | Cool, Bulky          |
| Steel Cuirass        | Cut, Stab                  | none                   | Hot, Bulky           |
| Bone Mesh Armour     | Cut, Stab, Crush, Necrotic | none                   | Cool, Bulky, Rare    |
| Spectral Combat Suit | Energy, Slug               | Cut, Stab, Crush       | Cool, Power 6, Bulky |
| Porcelain Armour     | Energy, Slug               | Cut, Stab, Crush       | Cool, Power 6, Bulky |
| Golem Armour         | Energy                     | Cut, Stab, Crush, Slug | Cool, Power 8, Rare  |

A shield can be used to negate a single hit. ("Shields shall be splintered.")

I wonder how good spears and other stabbing weapons are, though. Cutting weapons really must be the best weapons against unarmoured opponents! Why were axes unpopular given the table above? There must be more to it.

Let's test some assumptions:

Surprising result: Swords are pretty bad against armoured opponents. Perhaps they are mostly a status symbol after all. A status symbol of a ruling warrior class over unarmed peasants. They're probably just easier to carry than spears.

​#RPG ​#2d6 ​#Ultraviolet Grasslands