2024-10-02 Copy from ssh session

I wrote myself the following `fish` function that uses OSC 52 as explained by jdhao in order to copy text from within a `ssh` session into the local (client-side) clipboard. OSC stands for Operating System Command.

OSC 52 as explained by jdhao

Operating System Command

function ssh-copy --description 'Copy text to the local clipboard'
    read -z -l input
    printf "\033]52;c;"
    printf "%s" $input | base64
    printf "\a"

I need to install this for every remote account, of course, because it has to exist on the remote end. Use `funced --save ssh-copy` to do it.

Here's an example of how to use it:

alex@melanobombus ~> ssh sibirocobombus
This is the server.
You have new mail.
alex@sibirocobombus ~> echo hello | ssh-copy
alex@sibirocobombus ~> exit
Connection to alexschroeder.ch closed.
alex@melanobombus ~> wl-paste

`wl-paste` and `wl-copy` are from the `wl-clipboard` package for Wayland.
