2024-07-30 Fight On! Magazine #15

Pretty amazing news:

After ten long years we are back to *Fight On!* once more!

And it includes the Caverns of Slime! So now there's a way to get them in print and PDF, together with a lot of other good stuff.

Caverns of Slime



Table of Contents:

Front cover by Tom Gordon (facebook.com/tgordo). Back cover by Mitzi! Fight On! logo by Jeff Rients. J. Eric Holmes photo by Steve Pyryezstov. Images by Germille (2), Cameron Hawkey (cameronhawkey.com; 3, 25, 29, 33, 40, 92, 97), Allan T. Grohe Jr. (greyhawkonline.com/grodog; 6), Peter Mullen (instagram.com/pmullenillustrations; 10, 40), J. Blasso-Gieseke (charybdispress.com; 11, 64), Micheal Russell (12, 94), Black Blade Publishing (facebook.com/blackbladepublishing; 14, 49), Patrick Farley (15, retro 16, 67), Philipp H. (18), Philipp Knopp (21, 22), Gabor Lux (beyondfomalhaut.blogspot.com; 27), Justin Russell (32), Jean-Francois Beaulieu (32), Chris Holmes (33), J. Eric Holmes (34, 35), Alex Zisch (36, 44), Motley Dice (motleydice.net; 37, 38, 39), Ed Heil (edheil@fastmail.fm; 38), John Tenniel (40), Mac Teg (macteg.com, 45, 63), Raymond Perry (46, 47), The Antique Alumni (47, 48), Pacesetter Games (pacesettergames.com; 49), The Dead Victorians (54, 55, 56, 58), István Boldog-Bernád (57, 59), Jason Sholtis (roll1d12@blogspot.com; 61, 62), Zhu Bajiee (realmofzhu@blogspot.com; 61. 62, 63), Robert S. Conley (68), Ndege Diamond (70,80), Alex Schroder (71, 79, 81), Kelvin Green (kelvingreen.blogspot.com; 82, 91, 98), Anthony Stiller (83), Niel-Jan Que (89), Settembrini (93) Knights & Knaves and Creepies & Crawlies logos by Lee Barber. Tables for Fables logo derived from one by Age of Fable.

​#RPG ​#Fight On ​#Caverns of Slime