Today we walked through Zürich. It’s spring. Every week brings new flowers. I love this so much. No matter what happened, spring is here and from underground reservoirs the plants come back and I love them. 😍
Garten Löwenmaul
Antirrhinum majus
It's so fuzzy!
White, in the background:
Einjähriges Silberblatt Lunaria annua
Also, look at this video of me opening a flower by hand and a bumblebee crawling out and flying away, recorded in 2021. Soooo cute!
Now you know why it's called "lion's maw" or "snapdragon"… only the bumblebees are strong enough to push themselves inside!
Lathyrus vernus
Black, about to land, a huge carpenter bee!
Grosse Holzbiene
Xylocopa violacea
Prunus laurocerasus
This one is very popular, poisonous, likes to break out and is invasive. Don't plant these in your gardens, please!
Einjähriges Silberblatt
Lunaria annua
Again, but this time in purple instead of white!
I thought it was Golderdbeere (Waldsteinia fragarioides), but the app says:
Dreiblättrige Waldsteinie
Geum ternatum
What's going on with this Waldstein thing? The Wikipedia page mentions the genus *Geum* and *Waldsteinia ternata* so I'm going to assume that botanists have been or are still discussing taxonomy issues and I'm just oblivious to it.
Caltha palustris
This was not along a little creek in the forest but in the large cemetery we have. The pool has stone walls and we saw some newts in the water. Later we saw a sign saying that the toads and newts like to procreate in the pool but then they can't get out so the gardeners added pebble ramps in the back of the pool for them to get out. I love it.
Scharfer Hahnenfuss
Ranunculus acris agg.
My wife keeps telling me that she learned it as "acer" instead of "acris" so I assume that some renaming happened while we grew older…
Kriechender Günsel
Ajuga reptans
I don't know why I keep confusing this one and the next one! My wife challenges me every single time. And I get it wrong more than 50% of the time! Amazing!
Gundermann (Artengruppe)
Glechoma hederacea agg.
My wife thinks this is "Gundelrebe" and the Wikipedia page confirms the alias. All right then!
All this plant identifying started with my wife teaching me while we went jogging in the forest.
Sadly, this picture is out of focus! 😭 It looked great on the phone. I'm still adding it to this page because I started talking about the fact that I keep confusing it with the previous one…
Japanisches Goldröschen
Kerria japonica
Grossblütiger Beinwell
Symphytum grandiflorum
The app couldn't identify this one. There were so many bees, here! The flowers didn't smell.
Alliaria petiolata
My wife taught me that it was called "Knoblauchhederich" and so that's what I call it.
Chelidonium majus
I think that this one is already on its way out. I was quite surprised to find this one corner where it was still in full swing.
#Plants #Flowers