Kleines Schneeglöckchen, Galanthus nivalis
Dalmatiner Krokus, Crocus tommasinianus
Mauer-Drehzahnmoos, Tortula muralis, maybe?
Persischer Ehrenpreis, Veronica persica
Scharbockskraut, Ficaria verna
Winterjasmin, Jasminum nudiflorum
Tulpen-Magnolie, Magnolia × soulangeana
Buschwindröschen, Anemonoides nemorosa
Grossblütiger Beinwell, Symphytum grandiflorum
März-Veilchen, Viola odorata
A little creek next to the forest road.
Hohe Primel, Primula elatior
The forest in spring.
Moss climbing up the trees. This is a picture by my wife, Claudia.
#Pictures #Plants