Recently, Chris Brannon sent me a patch for Oddµ that allowed it to listen at a Unix-domain socket instead of a host and port.
I decided to investigate since I don't know anything about sockets. If you see something that can be improved, let me know.
I'm going to use systemd, but for my user.
I have two files, one for the socket and one for the service. These are not the same files as the ones provided with the Oddµ sources. Those are intended to be used together with a web server that acts as a reverse proxy. These files are for me testing the installation using netcat and curl.
Make sure the directory for the socket exists:
mkdir --parents /home/alex/.local/run/oddmu
This is the file "oddmu-unix-domain.socket":
[Unit] Description=Oddmu server socket [Socket] ListenStream=/home/alex/.local/run/oddmu/oddmu.sock Accept=no [Install]
Enable and start it:
systemctl --user enable ./oddmu-unix-domain.socket systemctl --user start oddmu-unix-domain.socket
Make sure the directory for the wiki exists and copy the template files:
mkdir --parents /home/alex/.local/share/oddmu cp *.html /home/alex/.local/share/oddmu
This is the file "oddmu-unix-domain.service":
[Unit] Description=Oddmu Requires=oddmu-unix-domain.socket [Install] [Service] Type=simple Restart=always StandardInput=socket StandardOutput=journal StandardError=journal ExecStart=/home/alex/src/oddmu/oddmu WorkingDirectory=/home/alex/.local/share/oddmu Environment="ODDMU_WEBFINGER=1" Environment="ODDMU_LANGUAGES=de,en"
This doesn't limit a lot of capabilities, but I guess I trust my own code.
Install it:
systemctl --user enable ./oddmu-unix-domain.service systemctl --user start oddmu-unix-domain.service
Check the journal:
journalctl --user --follow --unit oddmu-unix-domain
Do some requests using netcat:
echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost\r\n\r\n" \ | ncat --unixsock ~/.local/run/oddmu/oddmu.sock echo -e "GET /view/index HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost\r\n\r\n" \ | ncat --unixsock ~/.local/run/oddmu/oddmu.sock echo -e "GET /edit/index HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost\r\n\r\n" \ | ncat --unixsock ~/.local/run/oddmu/oddmu.sock
Using curl:
curl --unix-socket ~/.local/run/oddmu/oddmu.sock \ http://localhost/edit/index curl --unix-socket ~/.local/run/oddmu/oddmu.sock \ --form body="Hello!" http://localhost/save/index curl --unix-socket ~/.local/run/oddmu/oddmu.sock \ http://localhost/view/index
I don't think I'm going to change my web server setup. But using sockets and `systemctl --user` has been interesting.
Thank you, Chris Brannon, for sending that patch!
If you're installing Apache for the first time, on Debian:
sudo apt install apache2 sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_http
Create a file "/etc/apache2/sites-available/oddmu.conf":
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName localhost ProxyPassMatch "^/((view|diff|edit|save|add|append|upload|drop|search)/(.*))?$" \ "unix:/home/alex/.local/run/oddmu/oddmu.sock|http://localhost/$1" </VirtualHost>
Restart Apache to load the module configuration and the site configuration.
sudo a2ensite oddmu sudo systemctl restart
Test it:
curl http://localhost/view/index
There's a curious problem with this expression, however. If you use *curl(1)* to get the root path, Apache hangs:
A workaround is to add the redirect manually and drop the question-mark:
RedirectMatch "^/$" "/view/index" ProxyPassMatch "^/((view|diff|edit|save|add|append|upload|drop|search)/(.*))$" \ "unix:/home/alex/.local/run/oddmu/oddmu.sock|http://localhost/$1"
Yeah, I think this Unix domain socket stuff is cool enough to warrant a release. I migrated my three sites over to this setup. No more weird ports.
#Oddµ #Administration