2023-10-01 An overview over the Oddmu man pages

Man pages are discoverable after installing the software where as the README is discoverable while browsing through a repo before installing. Luckily, my man pages should be readable text files.

The README of the Oddmu repo is short and doesn’t talk about the stuff that’s in the man pages. Let me try to give an overview, here.

Oddmu repo

oddmu(1): description, configuration, options, environment variables.


oddmu(5): text formatting rules, Markdown extensions, feeds, percent encoding for local page links.


oddmu-search(1): the search subcommand you can use to build indexes – lists of page links.


oddmu-replace(1): use this subcommand to make mass changes to the files much like find-grep-sed and friends (i.e. Perl).


oddmu-html(1): generate HTML from Markdown using the same code and extensions as the real software.


oddmu-templates(5): documenting how they can be changed (how they *must* be changed), what references they know.


oddmu-apache(5): how to set up the web server for various common tasks such as using logins to limit what visitors can edit.


oddmu.service(5): how to setup a systemd unit to have it be manage by it. “Great configurability brings brings great burdens.”

