2023-01-27 Adventures and Children

We’re in the mountains, cross-country skiing. The region here, and my wife reading the book *Walliser Totentanz* by Werner Ryser, is what made me wonder about an Alpine hex map generator and running adventures in Switzerland ca. 1500.

I’ve been writing more pages for Knives. I think the game ends up having five pages for players and the rest is just stuff for the referee. I guess I’m trying to show the reader how I would run the game. I wonder if this is succeeding. Right now I feel that I still have topics to cover and at the same time this needs more examples, a kind of Replay where we see a referee prepping for the game, runs sessions, makes decisions. The idea being that you could learn the game by reading the book without having to watch videos online or have friends teach you.


I feel pretty old saying that, given that so many people feel like watching videos instead of reading a book. We’ll see how that works out.

We had 3 pages for 2023-01-22 Advice for running a long campaign (”Campaigns”), we had 3 pages for 2023-01-20 The power of questions (”Running the game”), now we have 3 pages for adventures.

2023-01-22 Advice for running a long campaign

2023-01-20 The power of questions

The thing to foster at the table is mutual entertainment and player agency. These are player needs that must be met.

Usually nobody at the table knows what exactly is required for buildings. Assume that everything is handled by the builder with a few exceptions. It’s these exceptions that turn into adventures: These are building blocks that the builder could not organise. Organising them involves an adventure.

The following table reflects a society of nobles and warriors where an intellectual is always inferior to a warrior and a warrior is always inferior to a noble. The last column provides ideas for future adventures. By succeeding in an appropriate adventure, player characters get the option of increasing their Status by 1 that year, in addition to rolling for a talent increase.

| Status |         Examples         |         Qualifies for…         |
|      2 | orphan, beggar           | a job                          |
|      3 | worker, peasant, artisan | confidence, secret plans       |
|      4 | citizen of good standing | secret society membership      |
|      5 | member of society        | public office, public works    |
|      6 | officer                  | a position to teach            |
|      7 | magister                 | a position as an advisor at    |
|        |                          | court                          |
|      8 | warrior                  | being knighted, a land grant   |
|      9 | knight, lady             | building a castle              |
|     10 | baron, baroness          | leading an army                |
|     11 | duke, duchess            | being crowned, winning a war   |
|     12 | royalty                  | empire, conquest               |
|     13 | emperor                  | eternal life and undeath       |
| 1d6 |   Aging Table   |
|   1 | Strength -1     |
|   2 | Dexterity -1    |
|   3 | Endurance -1    |
|   4 | Intelligence -1 |
|   5 | Lucky!          |
|   6 | Lucky!          |

After a certain number of years, the health of animals starts to decline as well. Horses start to lose 1 Life per year after 20 years of service. Dogs start to lose 1 Life per year after 10 years of service.

This game doesn’t care about the dangers of child birth, of disease, the difficulty of raising a family, the sanctity of marriage, the sex lives of characters. Run the game you want and let players experiment with leading different lives.

​#RPG ​#Knives