Sitting on the sofa, Miles Davis playing in the background, my wife is handling Christmas greetings, showing me the occasional picture she’s getting. Threema is doing well.
I’m thinking back on my role-playing activities.
First and foremost, I did not get my Halberds & Helmets referee mojo back. I think I’m ready to start something new. New players, new campaign, something like that.
I ran a short campaign of Traveller in 2021! I liked the setup. It convinced me that playing online with just two or three people might be best.
I played in three sessions of Blades in the Dark with my wife. Sadly our GM doesn’t have much time for the campaign so it’s basically on perpetual hold.
I continued playing in a D&D 5 campaign with people I know. These days two of the group members alternate running their games every few months. DM Peter ran Tomb of Annihilation for us and and now we’re continuing to explore Chult; DM Mircea is running Curse of Strahd for us.
I’m about to join a Traveller 5 campaign with two of the three players and a new person next week! Ref Wanderer Bill running this campaign in parallel with his existing campaign. Two teams in the same subsector. We’ll see how it turns out. I’m excited!