I think I need to make a list of the sound-making software available via my package manager. Free software, for music making wannabes like me. A page to return to and improve as I start to understand this all a bit better.
Generally speaking, these programs have a plugin architecture, where “applying effects” involves the loading and running of plugins which then apply the effect.
But how to make the music? If you have external sources, like audio ins, microphones and the like, you can simply record them. On my laptop, however, there is no audio-in! Therefore, I need a USB microphone to record my voice, and I need an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to record the audio of my electronic instruments. This is a little box with an audio in on one side, and an USB plug on the other side.
How to make music directly on the laptop?
Other use cases:
(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)
A couple of other FOSS music projects you may like:
– pwr 2021-06-03 03:48 UTC
– Alex 2021-06-03 20:13 UTC
I’ve been doing audio prod on Linux for a number of years now. Unfortunately it’s my perception that it’s one of the areas very far behind its proprietary counterpart, though things are improving.
My reccs, should you want them (all free s/w):
Unfortunately, if you’re serious about being productive and developing skills, I expect a proprietary Linux or Wine DAW would be miles better. Switching to REAPER really showed me what I was missing.
– Tom M 2021-06-04 19:50 UTC
– Alex 2021-06-04 20:44 UTC
I’m intrigued by @paul ever since I saw this tutorial:
Live, in-browser audio and music programming environment. Based on the amazing Sporth audio programming language by Paul Batchelor. – AudioMasher
It uses a specialised Forth like language:
Sporth (SoundPipe fORTH) is a small stack-based audio programming language. – Sporth
Which in turn uses a small library:
Soundpipe is a lightweight music DSP library for musicians and creative coders. It exists to bring beautiful sounds to your projects. The Soundpipe library is built up of over 100 (and counting!) high quality modules. These modules can be combined together to build unique sounds. – Soundpipe
– Alex 2021-09-15 05:33 UTC
Today I saw this:
Bespoke is a software modular synthesizer. It contains a bunch of modules, which you can connect together to create sounds.” – Bespoke Synth
A software modular synth that I’ve been building for myself since 2011, and now you can use it! – Bespoke Synth on GitHub
My previous experience with trying to use software such as this is that I like it in theory and never do in practice, so take it all with a grain of salt. I like to turn knobs and play on a physical keyboard, and even there I just dabble.
– Alex 2021-09-17 14:12 UTC