2021-01-14 Player Types

I posted a link to a blog post about player types on Mastodon and added: “Thinking about play styles… I dunno, I used to be a lot more interested in these things. These days I guess everybody should read such a typology at least once so that we can all at least use the same words. But then my take is that enjoyment is a multifaceted thing that I enjoy all the things, some more so, some less so, some more when I do it, some more when others do it. And I think casual players are important for cohesion (like at the work-place, actually).”

Happy surprise, @jaranta is a game scholar! “Post-doc at JYU & Coe GameCult. Specialized in philosophy, game studies and digital culture.” Some of my favourite subjects. Jonne told me that actual studies do exist. We don’t need to rely on our own individual observations (valuable as they may be). So now I’m reading a study. 🙂


Knowing Your Players and Their Kicks, by Lich Van Winkle

Player Types: A Meta-synthesis, by Juho Hamari and Janne Tuunanen