2019-04-19 Hex Describe Tweaking

As I was tweaking around with *Text Mapper* I decided to go and make it easier to explore the tables that come with *Hex Describe*. I mean, you can always follow the link to the tables and look at the huge text file. But I wanted something better. I want to click around!

For example, assume you’re curious about the centaurs. Go to the explore rules section, click the submit button, search for centaurs, and click the link. You should end up on the centaurs page. From here, you will get linked to centaurs entry in hyperlinked version of the tables.

explore rules


centaurs entry

Hopefully exploration is now easiert: having found the *centaurs* rule, you can click through to *centaur* → *strange male name* and figure out how the names for centaurs are created.

I guess a list of “top level” rules at the top would be great?

​#RPG ​#Old School ​#Hex Describe